
Launched 09/04/2011

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09/10/2024 06:43


c 1514 Grade II Listed
Rose and Crown
High Street
Type: Timber post-medieval. Collar-rafter roof.
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1807William NobleHigh Street  M40 Elham
1807Ann NobleHigh Street  F   
1841Sarah NobleHigh Street  F50 Kent
1841William NobleHigh Street  M40 Kent
1841John LandsHigh Street  M30  
1841Sarah NobleHigh Street  F18 Kent
1841Thomasine NobleHigh Street  F15 Kent
1841Ann NobleHigh Street  F11 Kent
1841William NobleHigh Street  M8 Kent
1851Sarah NobleHigh StreetWifeMF62 Elham
1851William NobleHigh StreetHeadMM54Malster And Inn KeeperElham
1851Anne NobleHigh StreetDaughterUF21Serv At HomeElham
1861William NobleHigh StreetHeadWM64Victualler & MaltsterElham
YearText Photos 
Colonel Mackinnon Rose & Crown Boer War Goldup 10191
c 1514 1480-1520. Timber. Within a large post-medieval building is a 2-bay lower-end cross wing, with speres dividing it from former open hall to N. and for division into 2 service rooms entered by doorways between the two rooms, at S. side of the wing, away from the hall. Reason for this is probably that 1 smoke-blackened rafter pair to S. of wing and at right angles indicates former presence of kitchen beyond wing: the doorway will have enabled it to be entered from either of the 2 conventional service rooms. Collar-rafter roof. R.C.H.M. A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent, second impression, 1996  
A long, two-storeyed building, originally timber-framed and built in the 16th century. Most of it was refronted, and extended at the south end, where a datestone gives the date, 1740. This inn was used for many years for the Elham Petty Sessions, and the courtroom may still be viewed. Mortises and grooves in the beams show where a small room was set aside for the use of the magistrate, who visited here once a fortnight. Some of the original Tudor timber-framing may be seen at the north end. Inside the inn, some of the joists and beams of the centre bar are obviously re-used timbers, and upon closer examination are seen to have come from a 15th century hall house, which may have once stood on this site. This re-use of older timbers is not uncommon, and has often been wrongly described as re-used ships' timbers. Elham Study  
1729 Mr Monger 3 Quarts of Cummunion Wine & Lowance 00-10-9 pd Edwd Maythom for Cummunion wine for Crismas 01-01-6 pd Edwd Maythom for communion wine for the Easter Sacraments 01-01-6 Elham Churchwardens’ Accounts, 1729-30  
Probate Inventory of Thomas Monger, late of Elham, victualler, intestate, 21 November 1729. Kitchen, Fore-Parlour, Hall, Back Parlour, Maid’s Chamber, Justice Room, Seal Chamber, Rose Chamber, Brewhouse, Buttery, Cellar. Inventory total £74-19-7. The house is fully furnished, and there are 15 pint pots, 12 quart pots, and 17 glasses. There is a copper valued at £1-5-0, and a pipe kiln, in the brewhouse, but there is no beer or wine listed at all. He would appear to have ceased trading since providing the churchwardens with wine earlier in the year. The inventory was shown in court on the following day, 22 November. Edward Maytham must have taken over soon after. CKS: PRC 11/79/46:  
1733 29 March. Death of John Warly of Canterbury surgeon, admission of Mary Warly, widow …. Rose & Crown Inn, occ. Edward Maytham, late lands or tenement of Jonas Warly, clerk, deceased. CKS: U47/3, Elham Manorial Court Rolls  
1834 Rental. William Noble, owner and occupier. One Messuage or Inn called the Rose and Crown. Mary Warley, widow Lee Warley, gent. devised to Thomas Rigden & his heirs ,, William Noble the Elder & his heirs ,, son William Noble & his heirs. CKS: U47/3, Elham Manorial Court  
 YearAddressHouse Name£ PricePurposeNotesOwner 
 1514High Street  Inn Annie Bailey
 1540High Street  Ale HouseLicensed as an Ale houseAnnie Bailey
 1700High Street  Court House Annie Bailey
 2010High StreetRose and Crown   Annie Bailey