
Launched 09/04/2011

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09/10/2024 06:43


Charles Alfred Fortin L.R.C.P. JSE  ( 1872 - 1905 )

parents Rev. Alfred Louis Fortin & Lucia Harris BANGLE
born in Sorel Quebec CANADA 1872
christened in
died in CANARY ISLANDS 1905
occupation Physician & Surgeon

Dr. Fortin was a Former House Surgeon at the Western Hospital.

Following on a cablegram received at the home of the Rev. I.C. Fortin, Lewiston, Me., announcing the arrival at Las Palmas, Canary Islands, of Dr. Charles Alfred Fortin seriously ill and of his removal to a hospital; another cable was received announcing, his death on March 22, from peritonitis. Charles Alfred Fortin, M. D., L. R.C. P. S., (Edinburgh) was born at Sorel, Que. He received his primary education at St. John's school, Winnipeg, Man. He attended the Montreal Collegiate Institute for one year and matriculated at Bishop's College after a brilliant course. He graduated in 1897, obtaining Nelson's gold, medal in his primary and final examinations. He was president of his class and valedictorian. He was house surgeon at the Western Hospital, Montreal, for one year. He then went to Scotland and took a post-graduate course in the University of Edinburgh, and took what is called the triple qualification, entitling him to practice medicine in the British Empire. He then became assistant to Dr. Bishop in Kent, Eng., having the care of two hospitals. Afterwards he entered the British navy and went to Africa several times as surgeon on a transport. At the close of the Boer war he went to Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Japan, China India, and South America. After four years of seafaring life he settled in Lewiston, Me. in 1905, and in two years built up a large practice.

The deceased, who was in his thirty third year, was a man of brilliancy and capabilities, and was the only son of the Rev. Alfred L. Fortin, now rector of St. Peter's church, Brushton, N. Y., a brother of the Rev. I. C. Fortin, of Lewiston, Me. He was on a trip of three months’ duration and when taken sick was on H.M. S. Addah. All his life he has been a traveler, visiting many parts of the world as surgeon in the navy, and was the recipient of several medals, one of them being from the South African Humane Society, awarded for saving the life of a drowning woman at the risk of his own. Owing to the distance from home, the body will probably be buried at Las Palmas. Montreal Daily Witness



Dr. Fortin was a Former House Surgeon at the Western Hospital.

Following on a cablegram received at the home of the Rev. I.C. Fortin, Lewiston, Me., announcing the arrival at Las Palmas, Canary Islands, of Dr. Charles Alfred Fortin seriously ill and of his removal to a hospital; another cable was received announcing, his death on March 22, from peritonitis. Charles Alfred Fortin, M. D., L. R.C. P. S., (Edinburgh) was born at Sorel, Que. He received his primary education at St. John's school, Winnipeg, Man. He attended the Montreal Collegiate Institute for one year and matriculated at Bishop's College after a brilliant course. He graduated in 1897, obtaining Nelson's gold, medal in his primary and final examinations. He was president of his class and valedictorian. He was house surgeon at the Western Hospital, Montreal, for one year. He then went to Scotland and took a post-graduate course in the University of Edinburgh, and took what is called the triple qualification, entitling him to practice medicine in the British Empire. He then became assistant to Dr. Bishop in Kent, Eng., having the care of two hospitals. Afterwards he entered the British navy and went to Africa several times as surgeon on a transport. At the close of the Boer war he went to Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Japan, China India, and South America. After four years of seafaring life he settled in Lewiston, Me. in 1905, and in two years built up a large practice.

The deceased, who was in his thirty third year, was a man of brilliancy and capabilities, and was the only son of the Rev. Alfred L. Fortin, now rector of St. Peter's church, Brushton, N. Y., a brother of the Rev. I. C. Fortin, of Lewiston, Me. He was on a trip of three months’ duration and when taken sick was on H.M. S. Addah. All his life he has been a traveler, visiting many parts of the world as surgeon in the navy, and was the recipient of several medals, one of them being from the South African Humane Society, awarded for saving the life of a drowning woman at the risk of his own. Owing to the distance from home, the body will probably be buried at Las Palmas.

Montreal Daily Witness
(Elham Parish only)
1901Charles Alfred FortinThe Old HouseHigh StreetAssistantSPhysician & Surgeon28Canada Sorel Quebec